Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rainy Season in Borneo - Changing Travel plans

After our famous Orangutan trip we were sitting in Pangala bun in our hotel and discussing the next steps. We tried to get a flight to Benjarmasin, but many flights are full, as the bridge to Sempit was damaged and not accessible for buses anymore. We found one in two days and we were also evaluating the options in Samarinda. Hence we talked to a Dutch Tour Operator to organize a boat up the river Maklam. He said it would cost 6,8M pp and no other people could be joined. Only 300 tourists per year are doing this trip, so we were only us. We discussed back and forth and finally decided not to go into the heart of Borneo. First of all it was very expansive, second of all the transport possibilities are rare (there are almost no roads, so you have to take the boat or the plane) and last but not least we had rainy season, so every day we had quite a bit of rain:

Hence we decided to go to a region, where the sun shines and the rainy season would be over. We looked at the map and found LAOS. The weather would be similar to Myamar and we both have not been there. Our remote travel advisors Bjoern and Stefan agreed, so I started to evaluate flight options in the lobby of the Grand Kecubung Hotel and booked all the flights and hotels after some hours of research.

So we spend a last day in Pangala bun and enjoyed the heavy rain!

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