Monday, February 3, 2014

A sleepy Sunday in relaxing Vientane to busy Bangkok

We rented again bikes and cycled through sleepy Vientane on Sunday. Rush and stress does not exist here, particular on Sunday, where even the main streets are more or less empty. In order to align to the Laotion pace we did not rush too much and started the morning in a nice French Café with Café Latte and Pain au Chocolat. The sun was shining mild on us and we did nothing, just drinking coffee and enjoying the croissants.Than we pulled our self together and cycled around and visited a nice little temple.

Sometimes we just drove through little streets without a particular goal:

In the evening we had a great meal at the Mekong River, where many little restaurants are situated. They always bring their stuff (like chairs, tables, cooking material, covers, etc.) and you can choose your dinner among many flavors. We decided for barbeque and enjoyed delicious food:

Next day we took the minibus to the Friendship bridge and entered Thailand. We hopped on the night train to Bangkok (A/C sleeper for 765THB).

The wagons have all two seats at the site, which will be transformed in a lower bed. The upper bed will be put down, so that you have 2 beds in a row, parallel to the tracks. The conductor sets up your bed and it was very clean and comfortable. You also have a curtain, so you have your own little bed room within the train.

We slept well until we arrived exactly on time at 6am at Bangkok railway station, where we took a Tuk Tuk to our Hotel. We left here our part of our luggage two months ago. Now it was time to reorganize everything for our flight home. We also took the BRT and went shopping and could also see the ongoing demonstrations against the government.

 Many streets were blocked and the atmosphere was very peaceful. In the evening we drove to the Victory Monument, where a huge event of anti-government sympathizer were gathering. We found a nice noodle restaurant (10THB for a small bowl, 40THB for a big one). The soups were spicy, but delicious and we can really recommend the restaurants there!

Finally – after 90 days of travelling – we had our last day, before flying back in the evening on LH783 (the 21st flight in 3 months!).

 It was a great time and we met wonderful people. It will take a long time to digest all those experiences and it was definitively worth doing it! Nevertheless we are now ready to go home, as we have seen so much!

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