Thursday, August 20, 2015

Grand Canyon (Day 1)

We arrived in the afternoon at the NP and checked in into the lodge. It is a quite nice and you have wonderful evening view of the Grand Canyon. Next day we started early at 5:30 to watch the sunrise at Bright Angel Point:

We had breakfast with a great view at the picnic place:

Here we discussed the trail of the day and we voted for the Kaibab Trail:

Later we started the Kaibab trail which is basically starting at the rim site at altitude of 8.250ft (2.515m). We steadily hiked down trough pine trees until the mule station. 

With an increasing temperature we walked further down the Canyon until we finally reached the Redwall Bridge (6.100ft/1.860m), where we wanted to return. 

Unfortunately Ole was not seen as he walked further and was not see… So we decided to follow him. It was getting really hot and we really drinking and sweating a lot, always knowing, that each step we went downhill, we would have to come back…

The scenery was at least wonderful and really could see the Canyon.

We hiked another 1,5 hour until we finally reached “Roaring Springs” (5.200ft/1.585m), which is close to the campground. Here we found Ole waiting and we got really angry on him, leaving the group and going down such a long distance! At least the water from the spring was ice cold and we could refill our supplies. Frank and Adrian decided to start at 1.20 to hike up 3.050 ft to the trailhead, while Shelly and Ole decided to wait a little bit longer to avoid the heat.

Again the walk was beautiful, but with each step going up more painful. We finally reached the bridge and rested a while before the steep ascend started. Frank was running out of energy and we had to make a lot of stops. What a struggle… but finally we arrived at the mule station, where we rested a longer time. 

The final hike was again steep and took forever, but after an overall 2,5h brutal climb we got to the trailhead. Frank was completely exhausted:

Two hours later the rest of the expedition arrived, also not really fresh, which is not a wonder after hiking almost 10 miles (15,2KM) and mastering twice 3.050ft = 7.100ft in one day! Boy, we did not do much this evening, than just resting… The difference of the picture Start/end are quite amazing, isn't?

Here is information about the trail, which we read later.

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