Thursday, November 21, 2013

Many suprises at Etosha

Early in the morning we entered Etosha from the northern gate (King Nehale Iya Gate). After checking in we drove the gravel road to Namokoni (one of the three camps on the east site of Etosha). We immediately saw giraffes, zebras and a bathing elephant. What a nice welcome to the Etosha National Park which means the Great White Place.

We were camping at Namutoni (an old reconstructed German Fort) and due to the hot, hot very hot weather, we enjoyed the swimming pool. The water hole of Namutoni at the evening was a huge disappointment since no animals showed up.

Next morning we got up very early in the dark, packed everything together and left the camp by 6:00am. We drove to the water hole Chudop which was marvelous!

We spotted a pack of spotted hyenas which were having a wild time at the watering hole. There were several teenage hyenas that were curious and testing each other by playing various games. One was so curious that he pacing around our car and he really could smell the meat in our fridge! His mother called him back several times but he clearly decided to ignore her. Later we heard, that it is quite rare to see a whole pack at a water hole; so we felt really lucky!

We slowly made our way from water hole to next ending up at Halali camp. We saw Springboks, Kudus, Oryx, giraffes, and even two cheetahs racing to cross the road right in front of us. The nature park has grasslands, and a huge salt pan in the north, which actually covers some 4731sq.kms. When the outside temperature increases, you can see mirages in the distance before your eyes.

In Halali we needed a break and we had a late breakfast, before driving to Okunguejo. Just before the campsite we visited the water hole Nebrowni where several elephants were joining a herd of zebras and ostriches. The zebras and ostriches immediately stepped back, when the big guys arrived. You could really see the pure joy that they had while they drank water and threw dust and mud on their bodies. There is nothing like a white elephant as one by one they covered themselves in white mud looking like pieces of a graffiti master piece. It was wonderful to watch!

As it was incredible hot (about 40 degrees in the shade and 58 in the sun) I decided to spend a relaxing afternoon at the swimming pool, while my crazy wife decided to drive around some more. In the evening we visited the local water hole, which is really nicely made. We could even see a Black rhino drinking water!

Next morning we were again very early on the road and drove to our favorite water hole Nebrowni where we saw elephants and a huge lion family, consisting of four female lions and nine cubs(!). They were so cute playing with each other while three elephants were drinking water. One of young lions even tried to catch an Oryx, but of course the Oryx was much faster than the young lion.

 We spend a long time there since it was a fantastic view before driving 120km back to Namutoni.

That same afternoon we left Etosha and drove into the Onguma Lodge, where we stayed at the tree top lodge. Wow, pretty amazing! It is a luxurious lodge, made from wood, where you have a kind of hut built up among the trees with a free view to the water hole. It was architecturally brilliant with a bedroom which had three walls and one side open to the water hole. It also cleverly integrated a shower and toilet in the space as well. It was unbelievable...So you see the animals, even if you are in bed! All night long we saw animals and even work up to an owl catching its prey while two black birds were doing their best to chase it away. The dinner and breakfast were also excellent, but it definitely commanded a high price for its charm. We could only afford one night, but enjoyed it very much!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see a picture of the hut in the tree. Sounds really cool!
