Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Birthday Party

There is nothing like celebrating your birthday on a plane with hundreds of your best friends like the 300 pound man sitting next to Frank or to mention the couple with four children sitting next to me.  Two of kids were twins under the age of two who were contantly  screaming the entire night. I wanted to give the couple an award for patience.  The party really got into swing when the staff insisted on me putting my shoes in the overhanging cabinet and in doing so, the boots landed back onto my head. Then when my water accidently rolled out onto the floor, they gave it to the guy behind me who drank it dry! A day full of plane switching:-)
Birthday quiz: Can you  recognize which countries these cities belong to without cheating?

Price: We will invite you for a coffee in Bali.


  1. Liebe Shelly, das hört sich nach einer lustigen Geburtstagsfeier an! ;-) Ich wünsche dir alles Gute nachträglich!! Und danke, dass ich an eurer Reise teilhaben kann, ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten Geschichten! Liebe Grüße aus dem grauen Hamburg, Nicole (von Hundeschön ...)

  2. happy b'day sweetie!!! Where you going? I'll have to dp a google translate on frank's posts!!

  3. Happy Bday Shelley... !!! Have a great trip and a once... nahhhh lets say a not-so-often-in-a-lifetime experience... The lions are waiting for you.. I mean... figuratively speaking... ;-)

  4. Hey Shelly, Hope you had a Happy Birthday! I'm sure a very memorable one anyway. Don't think I could name all countries those cities belong to.....not without cheating anyway. So, it no one else gives it a shot, guess I'll just have to cheat.... Or we can make it a joint effort and we'll all join you for a coffee in Bali.
    Have fun!

  5. My dearest Shelly, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Am just getting around to reading your blogspot as the address was on my old phone and I just retrieved it. I did though send you Bday wishes via Whatsapp, so hope you got the msg.
    Went by to vist Snowem and Rugen last night...all is well and we are planning on going out together soon. Have a great time, miss you both.
